The program for the Minisymposium 2017 can be found here.
Some advice on how to deal with stress and pressure can be found here.
Step I. Select project
First selection event WED 17 MAR at 13:00
A second opportunity will scheduled after that for those who cannot attend or who were not able to select a project during the first event.
You will be able to discuss and select projects.
Download project slides - an updated list of suggested projects adapted to the COVID-situation.
Step II. Plan project and read literature
The given deadlines are approximate below.
25 MAR 2021 – Deadline for submission of brief DRAFT PROJECT PLAN
~ 7 APR – Deadline for submission of FINAL PROJECT PLAN
~ 7 APR – Project planning presentation. Give 8 minutes of presentation of your plans for the project.
Step III. Do experiments and read literature
Coordinate with your advisor!
Step IV. Report the project
14 MAY 2021 – Report due date (first draft).
Send to advisor, to opposition and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
~ 21 MAY 2021 (exact date and time pending Doodle Poll) - Minisymposium will take place
A typical program for the Minisymposium (2017) can be found here.
28 MAY 2021 – Deadline for submission of final version of the PROJECT REPORT
Send to advisor and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Send also to urkund via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Instructions for the report
The report should consist of three main parts
· overview of the field
· focus on one specific area
· description and analysis of the experiment that you performed.
Writing tips:
· Write the report in English or Swedish.
· Length of report:
TEXT - 24000 – 36000 characters including spaces.
REFERENCES: minimum ~ 10 references to the scientific literature; additional references to the web and other sources including personal communications.
FIGURES & TABLES: depends entirely on the subject, but for an experimental project the experimental setup should be depicted; images, graphs and tables may be used to present the results. 5 to 10 figures is reasonable.
· If necessary you may add appendices with detailed information.
· Remember to state the source of the figure unless you created the figure yourself.
Here are a few questions that should be addressed in the report:
· Why is the technology / research field important? What is the biological or medical relevance?
· What is the state of the? Where is research now (forskningsfronten)?
· What type of applications or new knowledge may come out of research in the field?
· What are the most important scientific questions and technical challenges? What are the current bottlenecks that prevents the technique to be used widely?
· Where will the field be ten years from now? Give a few examples.
Focus on one specific area and describe it so that the reader understands what is going on. Try to identify the important labs and people in the field.
Do not hesitate to add some of your own creativity to your project.
If you can, you should try to ask around for help, at the department, at the university or anywhere in the world. However, don’t forget to acknowledge the people who helped you. In which way did you receive the help?
Presentation at the Minisymposium
A typical program for the Minisymposium (2017) can be found here.
Each project has 15 minutes for presentation. The presentation is normally based on a slide show (Powerpoint etc), but a live demonstration is also strongly encouraged! If your data consist of movies, make sure to show a selection of these movies. The presentation must be very well prepared. Timing is essential. You cannot exceed the allotted 15 minutes.
Opposition at the Minisymposium
Each group acts as an opposition for one group at the Minisymposium. A list with opposition assignments will be distributed well before the symposium. The opposition has two responsibilities:
· Read the report carefully and prepare a set of ten questions ranging from the simple to the visionary about the subject.
· In addition, the opposition will try to assess both the work done and the report written. Indicate what is good and what needs some improvement! During the Minisymposium the opposition groups lead the discussion and present their questions and assessments. Of course, the general audience is also encouraged to participate and pose questions. Time for opposition and questions: 15 minutes.
Remember that you have an opportunity to act on any criticism / comments given during the Minisymposium to improve your final version of the report.
To ensure that no plagiarism occurs you need to send your final report to URKUND.
Read about academic integrity on the Lund University website.
WARNING - Note on making charts - WARNING
Note that if you use Microsoft Excel to draw charts, remember that Microsoft has a quite unconventional view on the values of the axes. Conventionally in physics the axes in a chart has numerical values. In Microsoft the axes may also have non-numerical values (a.k.a. categories). So far all is fine. However, if you are not careful, even numerical data is treated as non-numerical categories. If you find that the data points in the chart are evenly spread along the x-axis, make sure to check that you are using the correct type of plot. Read more about this Microsoft feature here!